Friday, November 25, 2011

newborn babies and rainy weather

So here we are, another Friday upon us. And its raining! Pouring to be exact. It has been a very wet and slow week indeed. But the good thing about all this weather is that it has allowed me time to get up to date on a lot of paper work and editting. As a result the productiveness of this week included getting my monthly expenses up to date, getting invoicing up to date, finishing editting the photos from Renee and Shanes wedding, finishing the photos from Gracie's shoot and get through a huge chunk of converting the RAW files from both Alarna and Adam and Amanda and Glenn's weddings. It certainly has been productive. But I can tell you, all this being couped up inside has left me itching to shoot! With all this time to think, my brain has been flooded with so many ideas of things I want to shoot. I just need to find the time to fit it all in!

Last weekend I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to shoot an adorable newborn baby, Gracie in my studio. We struggled with Gracie for a while. She was wide awake and had no intention of laying still. after many feeds, her mum having to duck off to a freinds house to get some formula and a lot of cuddles from dad, she finally fell asleep long enough for us to get some really adorable sleeping shots. But it wasn't long before she was awake and kicking thoise tiny feet again! will add a few sneakies shortly

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wow it has been a while!

As the title so rightfully states, it really has been a while since my last post. I had been having a number of issues with my blog not allowing me to sign in and so forth and then with the arrival of our wedding, honeymoon and the onset of a very heavy wedding season, all has been very chaotic! But never fear! I am back!

It would take waaaaay too long to go back over all of the wonderful people I've had the opportunity to work with over the last few months, so i thought I'd use this post to show you a few of my favourites from the last few months. We have been very very busy as I'm sure those of you who follow our facebook page would be very well aware.

So without further adieu, here are some of my favourites from recent shoots.